Monday, March 30, 2009

How do you work this thing?

So I'm still trying to get used to this blog thing, lol. I'm usually pretty good at figuring out websites and such but for some reason I haven't figured out how to converse with people on here, is there a way?

I've figured out the whole comment thing, but there doesn't seem to be a way to respond to a person's comment T_T (besides commenting after theirs) Or am I just being technologically impaired? lol

Thanks to Ally and Andi for your sweet comments! I appreciate you stopping by ^_^

Currently I'm working on some brand new items that I've never done anything like before and I'm so excited! I don't know if they will go over well, but nothing really seems to be selling at this point in time because the economy is in the toytee -_- Anywoser, if you're just curious you can stop by my etsy shop and check them out when I list (2 of them will be tomorrow if I can manage to get moving early enough in the moring). ^_^


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